kut.org News from Austin, TX By Joy Diaz • Sep 10, 2015 click here for article And, as part of the celebrations, HUD Secretary Julian Castro visited the University of Texas at Austin’s LBJ School of Public Affairs Wednesday. The secretary said if HUD wants to be more effective in eradicating disparity and inequality, it Continue Reading
Two sound tracks: Cornelia Mrose talks about Dodd Frank, a daunting law that forces fair housing into communities. She also gives examples of supporters and opponents to the bill and how it was passed. Now that it has passed, she describes how it is enforced. Cornelia Mrose outlines how her county in NY is being Continue Reading
Click here to listen: Mark Levin Blasts Obama’s Race Database Mark, thank you for your “Blast” on July 20 about “Obama’s Race Database”. That blast inspired me to create this www.affh.net website about the new HUD Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, AFFH, rule. In addition to alerting a number of local conservatives, two days ago the Continue Reading
Click here to view: Kelly File: Obama Admin Plans to Diversify Wealthy Neighborhoods The new AFFH rule went into effect 19 July, 2015 after this interview. Ends with “Don’t take the (HUD) money.”
Note from www.affh.net website: HUD has made much progress toward achieving its socialist goals since June 12 when this was posted, HUD officially published the AFFH rule in the federal register and now is in full scale execution mode since July 19, 2015. See the link to Megyn Kelly on FoxNews below! Lake County Fiscal Rangers Continue Reading
Excerpt from: American Thinker – “Obama’s Endgame” Eileen Toplansky, July 13, 2015 (3 days before the AFFH rule was posted in the Federal Register, becoming official policy) In essence, the AFFH “gives the federal government a lever to re-engineer nearly every American neighborhood – imposing a preferred racial and ethnic composition, densifying housing, transportation, and Continue Reading
The Obama administration plots a wholesale federal intrusion into local housing policy The Weekly Standard, Oct 14, 2013, Vol. 19, No. 06 • By TERRY EASTLAND President Obama may have been distracted by Syria, but his domestic presidency proceeds apace, seeking what he heralds as “the transformation of the United States.” Especially is this true Continue Reading