Introduction by Smith Young”:)” This particular post is for those of you with a long attention span seeking to understand the details of AFFH. This also demonstrates what makes composing an AFFH elevator speech so difficult (and this is only the FAQ’s!) HUD’s recent post is repeated below, following this introduction. Someone (that would be Continue Reading
Introduction by Smith Young”:)” Its one thing to conduct a study and make findings, however, suggesting conclusions and making recommendations is quite different. This study and the findings are significant, but who made Lens and Monkkonen king, effectively empowering them to define community planning objectives and decide right from wrong? Their finding suggest, but they Continue Reading
President Obama is taking over local government in America, and almost no one is talking about it. Obama’s new Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) regulation is his vehicle for the effective federalization of . . . well, pretty much everything. Breathtaking in its radicalism, AFFH easily matches Obamacare in its transformative potential. National Review Don’t Continue Reading
Smith Young
January 13, 2016
AFFH with Strings Attached,Uncategorized
Assessment Tool, Bedford, douglas county, ESA, Goffstown, grant contract, HOME, HOPWA, Rindge, Stanley Kurtz
“Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can…” John Lennon wrote these words for a fantasy song to glorify his understanding of the road to peace. John may not have understood the true origins of his thoughts, but we know it as Communism. Barack Obama knows that too and is determined to make sure you understand Continue Reading
The Supreme Court’s disparate impact ruling has enabled an Obama administration power grab on neighborhood zoning regulations—all in the name of diversity. click “Get Ready For Racial Quotas On Your Neighborhood” By Georgi Boorman, December 31, 2015 President Obama’s Department of Housing and Urban Development is plotting a power grab under a new rule that Continue Reading
For all of us whether retiring, graduating college, starting a new job, or recently married; deciding on your future home will continue to be your biggest decision. Housing has been all over the news this week without a mention of HUD and AFFH, the elephant in the room, to include the publications listed below. These Continue Reading
See new training video and be amazed at the similarity to planning in the early U.S.S.R., click “Encyclopedia Britannica article”, then click “New AFFH Rule Webcast”, (55 min.) video (below) training participants will learn: The legal basis for AFFH Requirements under the recently released rule The following excepts are from the Encyclopedia Britannica: Economic planning, the process by which key economic Continue Reading
Lawyer, author, and radio show host; people either love him or hate Mark Levin, but for those who hate him, they can’t diminish what he clarifies in this video about AFFH.