Help STOP Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH)

Unabashed Truth about AFFH, Protecting Property Rights and Local Government Authority

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Smith Young

Smith Young,

IBM Sr. Exec Architect, rtd
Economics, University of Florida, Warrington College of Business

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Evelyn Zur60%

Evelyn Zur, Manufactures Rep., Furniture Industry since 1980

Columbus, Ohio

We are associated with a group of freedom-loving Americans living in Douglas County, Colorado, a beautiful area of family neighborhoods and ranches about 45 minutes southeast of Denver. We became alarmed when we discovered how the new rules imposed on our community by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will invade our peaceful way of life.

These 377 pages of new rules will put the federal government in charge of our local planning and zoning laws, essentially making our local elected county commissioners, town councils, zoning boards and HOAS powerless.

Called Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) the rules impose the feds’ idea of income and housing “equality” upon our communities, even though no discrimination exists. The goal is to compel the suburbs to build high-density housing and urbanize our neighborhoods.

Why should you care and become involved? Because the HUD rules can be coming soon to your neighborhood, whether or not your community takes HUD grant money. This drastic HUD overreach will change your lives. And not in a good way.

The HUD edicts:

  • Burden communities with weighty reporting requirements that will cost the taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars. Read HUD’s “Assessment Tool” detailing their demands:
  • Expose your community to millions in lawsuits if HUD or a third party sues, claiming inaccuracy in these voluminous reports
  • Rob local control from the officials we know and elect and instead hand it over to unaccountable bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.
  • Can greatly increase our taxes by requiring our communities to build light rail and thousands of new high-density, low-income housing units
  • Destroy our property values
  • Dictate where our schools, parks and recreation must be located

The new HUD rules are no joke, and no tinfoil-hat conspiracy theory. HUD is already wielding its iron fist in places like Westchester County, which has been ordered by HUD to build over 10,000 low-income housing units after the county lost a lawsuit that cost them millions of dollars.

Please click on “A Short Course On HUD’s Takeover” to learn more and go to “What I Can Do” to find out how you can take action to end HUD’s tyranny.

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