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Home » HUD Hit Man is a Nut Job

HUD Hit Man is a Nut Job

HUDs wacho AFFH hit man

Nobody at HUD will man up, but this nut job Richard Rothstein expresses the heart and soul of the HUD Marxist regime.  He clarifies his intent to kill the suburbs as clearly as this AFFH website defends it, the difference is that we have local government authority and property rights on our side.  As a research associate for the Economic Policy Institute he proposed housing discrimination solutions beginning with what he calls a constitutional remedy.  It’s clear that he knows as little about the constitution as he knows about limits on the federal government, but sadly he has an audience.

For your enjoyment the nut job is on display in the following videos.

The following are excerpts in a letter from John Anthony to establish and promote a Property Value Defense Network, click Property Value Defense for his Facebook page.

HUD is relentless in its drive to gain more control over local zoning and force local officials into compliance with the direction of AFFH.

When HUD failed to prove Westchester guilty of discrimination, the agency tried accusing them of “exclusionary zoning.” But independent reports proved the county based their zoning laws on safety and quality not on excluding any people.  In fact, anyone can live anywhere they choose in Westchester; if they can afford the price of the home. Still HUD refused to stop. The agency claimed that because the homes were expensive and protected minority groups could not afford to live there, the county was guilty of economic segregation.

Today in Westchester, thanks to HUD, you will find affordable housing next to multi-million dollar homes and expansive horse farms. Yet, Westchester discovered low-income families, the supposed beneficiaries of HUD’s heavy-handed tactics, do not want to leave their friends and life behind to move into an upscale neighborhood where they have no friends and nothing in common.  In one case, it took over 900 applications to fill just 63 affordable homes.

HUD is the epitome of an out of control organization.  Their excessive demands are costing communities their local authority and individuals their property rights. Congress has offered no help in stopping or even slowing the agency. That only leaves the people.

Here’s some lunacy directly from HUD to a public official standing in front of the AFFH fire hose.

“One official recounted a conversation with a HUD representative who said his community’s large one and two-acre plots were “discriminatory” because low-income families could not afford them. The official explained that zoning laws required that septic systems be located at least 150’ from wells.  That meant properties needed to be larger if people wanted to have clean water. HUD responded, they were “not concerned about local zoning laws.”

Click Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, AFFH, for an overview.

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Name: Smith Young

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