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Home » New Free Book on HUD’s 2015 AFFH rule, “Agency Tyranny”

New Free Book on HUD’s 2015 AFFH rule, “Agency Tyranny”

A massively good deed for us all.  Thank you John Anthony.

Agency Tyranny
by John Anthony, today’s Paul Revere

Paul Reveres Ride2

HUD’s 2015 rule, Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing is poised to puncture the heart of Americans’ autonomy.

Local rule and individual property rights are the core of our country’s unique citizen-dominant government. 

Washington wants that power.

HUD’s ruling enables the federal government to:

 • Overturn voters’ decisions

 • Control local zoning and land use laws

 • Force your community to join a region

My new eBook, “Agency Tyranny, How to Stop HUD’s Devastating Attack on Property Rights”, draws from HUD’s own documents and case studies to show you exactly how this is accomplished.

Get the ebook free, click here:

 Agency Tyranny

AFFH is a set of mandates that governs the use of popular HUD grants. The ruling creates a minefield of legal obligations and establishes the basis for lawsuits once a jurisdiction accepts the funds.

The tool that triggers legal liability is the new Assessment of Fair Housing survey each applicant is required to complete.

Once receiving their grant funds and under threats of compliance reviews and False Claims Act lawsuits, AFFH easily pushes local communities into regions against their will and often without their knowledge. From the book…

“The results are breathtaking. In two steps, your community surrenders its control over local zoning and land use and is annexed into a region, all with no choice and no vote.”

You will see how HUD used AFFH to control zoning and land use in Westchester County, NY and Marin County, CA. Learn how the agency overturned voters’ decisions in Rockford, IL. Federal force is here, and what happened to these communities will happen to your town.

The good news is we are stopping HUD. In a single day, we paused three counties from rubber-stamping the new HUD AFFH grants. The members of these counties are now alerting dozens of others to the severe dangers.

You can do the same.

About the Author: John Anthony

John Anthony, Founder of Sustainable Freedom Lab, LLC, is a nationally acclaimed speaker, researcher and writer. He is a leading expert on globalist impacts on local affairs and the effects of federal agency regulations on personal lives and property rights. Mr. Anthony’s Property Value Defense Network informs public officials and attorneys nationwide of the dangers of regulatory laws. His workshop, Shattering America’s Trance, teaches conservatives effective techniques for cross-political communications and will soon be available as on on-line course.

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Name: Smith Young

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