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Home » A Picture say’s a Thousand Words

A Picture say’s a Thousand Words

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Look at these photographs and draw your own conclusion, but ask yourself why HUD selects and presents these photo’s.  Maybe not a conspiracy, but these comparative photographs reveal part of HUD’s world view as a government department for Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, AFFH.  Memorize the bottom photograph and freeze it in your mind as a vision  of what AFFH represents for the future American suburb.  HUDs row houseThis is the gold standard, as good as it gets for a HUDee, a socialists dream come true.

Clearly not NYC, but there are many American neighborhoods represented by that bottom photograph; quite suitable for maintaining a livelihood, but it should not be posted and held up by the government as the American icon or standard for aspiring, hard working American dreamers, striving for a better future.

Is this Photoshop rendition of a community the vision the Supreme Court had in mind for the future American suburbs, i.e., Texas Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs v. Inclusive Communities Project, Inc. and the disparate impact ruling enabling the Obama administration power grab on neighborhood zoning regulations?  Is this the impact as it now applies to implementing the Fair Housing Act?

In theory all federal government departments and federal employees work and represent all the people, not just a select group.  HUD, however, does not work for nor represent the middle class.  It wasn’t this way before the Obama administration defined its mission to both represent only some of the people while at the same time undermine our American system of free enterprise.

HUD’s problem with the top picture is that HUD is powerless and has no role for providing assistance for this kind of prosperous America.  The America they would like to leave in the past.  The top picture features homes for people who won’t (or shouldn’t) depend on government services, with exception for top government dogs like the Clintons.  HUD now seeks to divide Americans, clearly taking sides against the free market.  That’s why HUD grants are earmarked with incentives for high density housing.  When communities accept grants they, sometimes unknowingly, become obligated to block the fair market from taking hold (or worse, see Dubuque, IA being forced to promote migration from Chicago).  AFFH rules and the new tool required for future grants not only include measures for restrictive zoning, but AFFH obligates the community to participate in an ongoing dialog with big brother HUD about what’s acceptable community planning.

Just in case you’re interested, below is photograph of Clinton’s home.



HUD inclusive neighborhood

Clintons Home

Clintons Home

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Name: Smith Young

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