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AFFH Data Mapping Tool (AFFHT)

On 12/31/2015 HUD provided notice of the availability of the AFFH Data Mapping Tool.  In order to access and view AFFHT requires a PC or mobile device with a supported browser and Internet access.  The site to logon  to AFFHT is   (Go ahead, try it yourself.)  Only AFFH program participants (e.g., PHA or CDBG or HOME grantee) have access to the Assessment Tool and AFFH data and maps through the User Interface, the public can access the AFFH dta and maps directly from this AFFH Data Tool.

Step 1: Pick your state
Step 2: Pick your jurisdiction (city, town, or county)
Step 3: Choose Map (1 of 17)
toggle between region and jurisdiction
toggle between map and tables

and the AFFHT User Manual:

Below is a sample of a regional map of Douglas County annexed to Denver Region.  Orange dots represent white, non-Hispanic.
Data and Mapping Tool, Sample Race and Ethnicity
Corresponding list of data tables:
Data and Mapping Tool, Race and Ethnicity, tables 1-6Data and Mapping Tool, Race and Ethnicity, tables 6 - 12Data and Mapping Tool, Race and Ethnicity, tables 13-15

From the AFFH Rule Guide book:

To supplement the HUD-provided data, program participants should consider if the following resources may be relevant to a program participant’s AFH:

  Relevant demographic data or program-related data maintained by the program participant, another public agency, or another entity, including local government open-source data portals.

  Administrative data sources.

  School-related data, such as data from Great Schools, the Institute of Education Sciences, or the National Center for Education Statistics.

  National databases, such as the U.S. Census Bureau’s data on Group Quarters, Department of Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institution’s Information Mapping System, the EPA’s Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool, the General Services Administration’s Data website, and HUD’s own resources.

  National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership (NNIP) national data set of small area data.

  Land use and zoning information, including: zoning data and maps; residential and commercial building permit data; city, county and regional planning offices and websites.

  Data regarding the number of persons with disabilities living in institutional settings, which can be obtained from State agencies, such as Medicaid agencies, agencies serving persons with mental illnesses and persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.



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Name: Smith Young

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