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Home » 2014 Questionnaire for HUD’s Initiative on Removal of Regulatory Barriers

2014 Questionnaire for HUD’s Initiative on Removal of Regulatory Barriers

This “America’s Affordable Communities Initiative” HUD questionnaire should help answer questions you might have if you’re looking for evidence of HUD’s conspiracy to manipulate local and state governments land use, e.g., building codes.

This is a questionnaire addressed to any and every legal entity that that can receive or apply for housing project applications.

Note that this 2014 questionnaire precedes the 2015 AFFH rule. 

Regardless of whether a local government is the recipient of federal HUD (CDBG) grantee or not, the following questionnaire demonstrates how the federal government exercises it’s coercive power to exert influence.  Without an explanation, the questionnaire ends by assigning points.  There are two sections in this questionnaire, section A is intended to exert influence from the bottom up while section B addresses state governments (governors, legislatures, and state departments), and areas not covered by part A,

click: “2014 Questionnaire for HUDs Initiative on Removal of Regulatory Barriers“.

You might ask what business is it of the federal government to ask, but could your locality be guilty of exclusionary zoning? By The Way, BTW, exclusionary zoning is not illegal it just disqualifies you from government subsidies (bribes). Could answering the following kinds of questioning get you in trouble?

The following phraseology is extracted from the questionnaire giving you the gist of the survey.

  • does your jurisdiction’s comprehensive plan … (HUD likes)
  • land use controls conform to the jurisdiction’s comprehensive plan
  • provide sufficient land use and density categories (multifamily housing, duplexes, small lot homes
  • sufficient land zoned or mapped “as of right” in these categories, that can permit the building of affordable housing
  • Does your jurisdiction’s zoning ordinance set minimum building size requirements that exceed (HUD doesn’t like) …
  • jurisdiction does not have impact fees (HUD doesn’t like), you may enter yes.
  • Does your jurisdiction’s zoning ordinance or land use regulations permit … classifications in which similar site-built housing is permitted, subject to design density, building size, foundation requirements,
  • jurisdiction established a formal ongoing process (HUD likes), to review the rules, regulations, development standards, and processes of the jurisdiction to assess their impact on the supply of affordable housing?
  • give “as-of-right” density bonuses (HUD likes) sufficient to offset the cost
  • build below market units as an incentive (HUD likes)
  • a single, consolidated permit application process … does your jurisdiction conduct concurrent, not sequential, reviews (HUD doesn’t like) for all required permits and approvals?
  • provide for expedited or “fast track” permitting and approvals (HUD likes)
  • established time limits for government review and approval … (HUD likes) automatic approval
  • parking requirements (HUD doesn’t like)
  • require affordable housing projects to undergo public review (HUD doesn’t like) or special hearings






Name of author

Name: Smith Young

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