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Home » Handout to HOA: Alert to Douglas County Residents

Handout to HOA: Alert to Douglas County Residents

The following is intended for use by activists attending HOA meetings.  Copy into Word, modify, and print copies for distribution.


Alert to Douglas County Residents

 As concerned citizens, we feel our local officials need to be alerted to a massive Federal takeover of our communities

 As of July 16, 2015, HUD has a new 377- page rule called AFFH (Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing).  Any  county, city or town  that accepts CDBG grant money from HUD will be forced to implement low-income housing into their neighborhoods.

         Because it is apparently too white and too rich, Douglas County has been targeted by HUD as one of 1250 communities nationwide that must implement high-density, low-income housing. In order to continue receiving HUD CDBG grant monies, Douglas County will be forced to comply with the new AFFH rule and forced to update its database, thereby incriminating itself and compromising its own local zoning laws, HOA covenants, and planning commission decisions.       

  1. HUD’s AFFH tool will use charges of racial discrimination, even where none exists, to forcefully implement high-density low-income housing into our neighborhoods under the threat of Federal lawsuits.   Civil rights groups and other predatory third parties will sue communities by using the data to show racial imbalances.  ( See Westchester County, NY)
  2. AFFH will eliminate local control and put DC bureaucrats in charge. If you like your neighborhood you can’t keep it.  Bye, bye HOAs.  (See    2011 analysis of impediments )
  3. AFFH will force huge tax increases on our local cities, towns and communities as we are forced to build  high-density, low-income subsidized housing for minority populations imported from crime-ridden cities at the expense of our community.    
  4. AFFH will destroy property values.  Population increases will greatly impact our communities requiring neighborhoods to build highways, schools and other infrastructure to accommodate low-income housing. ( See HUD Will Legally Enslave Your Community author John Anthony; Attention America’s Suburbs: You Have Just Been Annexed author Stanley Kurtz)

Remedy…..Tell your elected officials: County Commissioners, Mayors, City and Town Council Members, 1) Do NOT participate in updating the AFFH Tool database, and  2) Do NOT accept any HUD (CDBG) grant money.   Contact your HOA and encourage it to notify the residents about this Federal takeover of our local communities.

Douglas County Commissioners Office     303 660 7401                                

David Weaver

Roger Partridge

Jill Repella  

Name of author

Name: Smith Young

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