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Home » Video of Town of Castle Rock, CO saying NO voting 5-1 against AFFH

Video of Town of Castle Rock, CO saying NO voting 5-1 against AFFH


The Town of Castle Rock votes 5 – 1 against taking AFFH CDBG money.  The above web page link has a narrative both opposing and advocating AFFH and is primarily provided for you to view the videos.

A few clips from last night’s Castle Rock town council meeting after the jump. You can watch Castle Rock’s city manager and another town employee warning of the consequences of refusing the CDBG grant money on existing recipients in Castle Rock. Then you can watch Castle Rock’s mayor decry the fact that organizations in his town are “dependent” on the federal government. Finally, a council member argues in favor of refusing the grant money, saying “let’s feel that pain.”

Fortunately for America, the Castle Rock Town Council stood up to the United Nations and their damned preschool scholarship programs last night, overwhelmingly voting 5-1 against accepting the CDBG grant money. Reportedly, this vote rejected CDBG funds through Douglas County as well, leaving existing recipients in Castle Rock high and dry. Republican state senate candidate Jess Loban, running to replace Sen. Mark Scheffel in SD-4, nonetheless hailed the vote in a Facebook post:

We faced federal overreach in Castle Rock tonight. The feds sent our town council a letter mandating that they choose whether or not to take obligation-ridden (AFFH aka: Agenda 21) funds (only $212k). These came at the low price of having to accept federal direction on the growth of our town and becoming further subjects to federal intervention. Thank you to our Council, save one, who voted to not only turn away this offer but any other obligated funds. A special thanks to Council Members Jennifer Green, George Teal and Mayor Paul Donahue for your defense of our town’s right to self-govern.

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Name: Smith Young

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