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Before AFFH there was the Fair Housing Act

Roger Clegg, President of the Center for Equal Opportunity, wrote

“The government should not be requiring, encouraging, or permitting the use of racial and ethnic classifications and race- and ethnicity-based decision making in order to achieve a particular racial and ethnic mix”

And we need AFFH because?

The federal Fair Housing Act protects seven classes from discrimination in housing. These protected classes are race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability and familial status and click here: Fair Housing- List of Additional Protected Classes by State

The new AFFH rule is not based upon the letter of the law found in the Fair Housing Act of 1968, but instead upon a creative expansion of that law found in a 2010 GAO report submitted in response to a request from a Rogues Gallery of far-left members of the House of Representatives that included now retired Rep. Barney Frank.

[click here for a full transcript of the following] The government should not be requiring, encouraging, or permitting the use of racial and ethnic classifications and race- and ethnicity-based decision making in order to achieve a particular racial and ethnic mix,” Roger Clegg, President of the Center for Equal Opportunity, wrote in a comment submitted to HUD during the public comment period.

Another writes:

This new rule being proposed, flies in the face of laws already written in the Civil Rights Act of 1968 such as the concept of steering, which is illegal, yet HUD is now going to be in the business of what is known as “Steering”. Definition of Steering: “Social steering is a form of housing discrimination that involves housing authorities, real estate companies and even local governments steering certain groups of people, often minorities, into certain areas of a city.” How can HUD substantively and unilaterally change an existing law that originally needed congressional approval and call it a “Rule”?

“Bypassing local zoning and planning rights is unconstitutional. Relocating populations against their will is unconstitutional,” Arlene Frey wrote.

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