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Obama’s final regulatory binge

Obamas regulatory binge

HUD’s AFFH rule should be at the top of the hit list for Congress to reclaim powers, providing more supervision over lawless presidential rule-making. WSJ Opinion – Midnight Rules Need Morning Repeal Obama’s final regulatory binge deserves a rapid Congressional response. Jan. 4, 2017 7:01 p.m. ET The Obama Administration’s midnight regulation bender has been Continue Reading

Politico – AFFH Doesn’t Work. And to Say So Isn’t Racist.

Introduction by Smith Young “:)”  If we can learn from the past “school busing” failure, here’s predictive information for HUD’s 2015  Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule.  The full text of the article follows this introduction. Ted Van Dyk say’s “Following passage of the Civil Rights Act and 1965 Voting Rights Act, and attendant Great Society legislation aimed Continue Reading

Trump and Reversing Rule by Regulation

tied down, eg, regulation

Introduction by Smith Young “:)” HUD’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, AFFH, rule falls within the most difficult category of regulations to peel back.  Here’s a quick read ahead of what’s in the following WSJ article specifically: New Regulations. The third leg of this regulatory reversal is the most difficult: Repealing Obama regulations that went through Continue Reading

Growth of Land Use Regulations Slowing Economic Mobility


Introduction by Smith Young “:)”  HUD would like to have it both ways; impose regulations on local governments while increasing affordable housing at the same time.  Although not directly related to the AFFH rule, this article demonstrates the trend in which the wealth gap between the poorest and the wealthiest states was steadily closing has Continue Reading

Closed – HUD’s Thirty-Day Public Comment Period for AFH Assessment Tool


The comments below were submitted to HUD at the deadline yesterday 09-20-2016.  They don’t need much of an introduction, except to say such observations could only have only been uncovered by someone suspicious of HUD’s agenda and comments made by someone skeptical of the federal agencies tactics.  I guess that would be me. HUD provided Continue Reading

Where does Federal Judge Decision Dismissing Discrimination Lawsuit Take Us on AFFH?

mystery box

The 2008 lawsuit by the Dallas-based Inclusive Communities Project, which alleged violations of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment started it all and is the root cause of the insultingly misnamed Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule, click AFFH for Dummies.  What does this decision mean, if anything for Continue Reading

Federal Judge Dismisses Texas Housing Discrimination Lawsuit After Supreme Court Decision


Happening now, happened today!  We will be following what this victory means, specifically for Texas and the broader impact it will have on HUD’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule passed last year and being implemented as a result of this Supreme Court decision.  Two important points related to this decision: Proving that Texas is liable for reinforcing Continue Reading