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Home » Lee, Rubio, Cotton, and More Move to Block AFFH in Senate

Lee, Rubio, Cotton, and More Move to Block AFFH in Senate

by Stanley Kurtz July 31, 2015, An excerpt:

It’s not impossible that Republicans in Congress might succeed in defunding or repealing AFFH. Much depends on the precise form in which funding for HUD is passed, as a separate bill or as part of a massive omnibus spending bill.  Obama has his veto power, but it’s conceivable that he will receive an AFFH defund amendment in a larger bill that he finds difficult to veto.

Yet it would be foolish for local governments to rely on congressional efforts to defund AFFH. For now, localities wishing to avoid a de facto federal takeover need to consider turning down HUD grant money. Sen. Lee’s press release on his AFFH defunding bill rightly notes problems in HUD’s Community Development Block Grant program (CDBG). But there’s no time to wait for reform. Localities need to consider turning down HUD money right now. The safest play is to turn down HUD money and press Congress to pass the Gosar and Lee bills defunding or canceling AFFH.

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