Help STOP Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH)

Unabashed Truth about AFFH, Protecting Property Rights and Local Government Authority

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Overregulation Is the Main Block to Affordable Housing


WSJ Opinion – Overregulation Is the Main Block to Affordable Housing Building anything where people want to live has become a nightmare because of government. Oct. 3, 2017 Granger MacDonald of the National Association of Home Builders (Letters, Sept. 22) responds to a Sept. 19 editorial that suggests “Kill the Loopholes, Including the One for Continue Reading

This ‘Loophole’ Is Vital to Housing the Poor … NOT!

LIHTC Loophole

Dear Mr. MacDonald, Chairman, National Home Builders Association (NHBA); yours is a carefully crafted letter (below), but your organization’s agenda speaks volumes before you say a word and then when you do speak you only endorse what the article describes as a subsidy for developers, investors and the financial industry.  Your assertion that the article, Continue Reading

Kill the Loopholes, Including the One for ‘Low-Income Housing’

kill tax loopholes, LIHTC

HUD, the AFFH rule, and HUDs surrogate Public Housing Authorities (PHA) get involved with LIHTC, IRS section 42 tax credits, when property management of a new low income housing project begins managing.  This is when the tidal wave of Section 8 voucher holders arrive and the list of applicants begins.  To be more PC HUD Continue Reading

AT Least A Quarter Of Every Tax Dollar For HUD Grants Wasted

government waste, dollars as toilet paper2

In addition to waste, there’s no mention of AFFH legal liabilities and HUD’s overreach on local government authority.  Recall that insultingly misnamed Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, AFFH, rule has nothing to do with affordable housing! Daily Caller –  AT Least A Quarter Of Every Tax Dollar For HUD Grants May Be Wasted Ethan Barton Investigative Continue Reading

HUD’s Taxpayer Disregard – Trump Administration Plans New Restrictions on Reverse Mortgages

HUD restrictions apply

Revealing more about how HUD disregards the interests of taxpayers.  Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson is peeling back layers of HUD’s onion, said through a spokesman that the reverse-mortgage program is seeing losses that require changes be made WSJ – Trump Administration Plans New Restrictions on Reverse Mortgages Mortgages help seniors supplement Continue Reading

HUD won’t like Pull Back of Apartment Boom

Pull back against HUD

HUD believes that if you don’t own property you are property, HUD’s property that is with cheap rental homes in the suburbs.  When it comes to AFFH HUD places no priority on honoring the property rights of homeowners who might object or local government authority for jurisdictions taking HUD grants. WSJ – Builders Pull Back Continue Reading

What Swedes Give Up for ‘Free’ Money

Free - from prison

What do the Swedes and socialist HUD have in common?  The comparison between childrearing and Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing may be a stretch until you get to the last paragraph: Although the welfare state is often debated in economic terms, we have yet to put a price on self-determination or freedom of conscience. What I once Continue Reading